Saturday, December 03, 2005

All of us are lying in the gutters...

...but only one of us is looking up Gerard's arse.

Latest Hot Poop on Pete News Squad

The NS News room is banging like a dunny door in a hurricane tonight with all the latest on the swelling tumescent Peter Costello sex scandal.

Petomane Costello - Australian rules ' Back pocket' legend. News Squad
When asked what they would do if Jesus returned the Liberal Party replied...' move Peter Costello to the Lodge?'

Hard Core Costello nominated for Porn ' Oscar's' News Squad
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

First gay prime minister soon News Squad
Australia may soon have the first openly Gay prime what changes, if any, might we expect?

Peter Costello - The Pink Panzer M Kroger
' Who best understands us queer Nazi's? '