Friday, December 02, 2005

Chimp didn't fall far from the tree

Barbara Bush is allegedly TICKED off at Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Andy Card, nearly all of them -- except Karen Hughes -- for how her boy is faring in the hearts and minds of Americans.

The matriarch of the Bush clan is colder than North Pole ice right now to those around her son who she thinks have undermined him. I'll tell who my sources are if Patrick Fitzgerald gives a call and makes me -- but the sources are very close to Poppa Bush (41), who has been traveling a bit with some of his old entourage, including Brent Scowcroft and others of the first Bush regime.

While TWN has been able to confirm that Laura Bush's mother-in-law wants to do more than put coal in the stockings of the Vice President and the other top handlers of her son's White House, we have not been able to confirm a slightly stronger bit of the rumor, which is that Barbara -- not Laura -- was planning to call on Nancy Reagan just to get a refresher lesson on how she took on and kicked out then Chief-of-Staff Donald Regan. (I embellish here; Barbara Bush is not going to take lessons from Nancy, it just sounded good. My source told me that Barbara was about to "pull a Nancy Reagan" on these attendants.)

Cheney may be tougher to dump than Don Regan, but then again, Barbara Bush is one of those wonders of nature (we hear) who knows no limits and can easily surge beyond category 5 hurricane winds.

Should be interesting to watch the role of the First Mother in the coming couple of months. Watch for a lot to change right after the State of the Union address, I've been told.

Steve Clemons - Posted by steve at December 1, 2005

Bar is evil incarnate, but take on Big Time? Don't think so.

Posted by: Red_Neck_Repub at December 1, 2005 06:35 PM

Wasn't it Nixon who said of Barbara Bush,
"She really knows how to hate"?

Posted by: Buford P. Stinkleberry at December 1, 2005 06:43 PM

Poor Babs! people are picking on her little boy. He's getting sticks and stones thrown at him.

To bad, he didn't serve his time in the service. Maybe, just maybe he'd have learned how to cope with out his Mommy

Posted by: gwili brunner

Pardon me for not sparing too many drops of my heart's blood for poor outraged Bar, or Poppy, or even Saint Laura Dostoevsky. Those people knew better than anyone else that Georgie's great gift in life is for stepping on his own scrotum -- I've mislaid the article in which Laura was described as saying her husband was incapable of changing a light switch -- and they could have put the kibosh on his presidential ambitions, had they so chosen. But, no; THE DYNASTY had to prevail, and so here we are. As for Bar's housecleaning: Card's ready to bail anyway, Rove's on a slow boat to indictment anyway, and Cheney's not going anywhere without a shove from Fitzgerald.

Posted by: penalcolony at December 1, 2005 07:28 PM

She doesn't care about George. It's Jeb she's worried about. If the Bush name gets dragged through the mud thoroughly enough, the dynasty's next emperor won't be able to rise to the throne.

Posted by: Garbo
Having Barbara Bush gunning for you is the stuff nightmares are made of. I wish Steve hadn't of posted this, I may wake up in cold sweats imagining her looming in my bedroom doorway with an ax. Perhaps I better rethink my habit of calling her little darling "Monkey Boy".

Barbara, if you're reading this, trust me, I understand. The poor little man is doing the best he can with what God gave him, and I apologize if I have been too harsh on the poor dear. In the future I will try to refrain from insulting his lack of brains and integrity, and will focus my disdain on the evil doers around him that have maliciously taken advantage of his mental handicaps.

Perhaps you could recommend Ala-non to those in his immmediate sphere, and they might know better how to treat the little dear.

Posted by: Pissed Off American at December 1, 2005 08:05 PM

She doesn't care about George. It's Jeb she's worried about. If the Bush name gets dragged through the mud thoroughly enough, the dynasty's next emperor won't be able to rise to the throne.

No doubt.

Country or La Familia Bush?
The choice for this crime family is simple.

That is EXACTLY what the Harriet Miers nomination was all about. You never can tell when your family might need a Supreme Court Justice.

Aunt Harriet, gushing over Boy George, could be trusted to do the family's bidding for years and years.

Posted by: koreyel at December 1, 2005 08:06 PM

She' gonna go Nurse Wratchet on their asses.
Rove will end up throwing Washington's marble bust through a West Wing window in order to escape her shock therapy.

Posted by: draculich
Young Babs = Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate.

Posted by: Bill Brock - Chicago at December 1, 2005 09:56 PM

A real man doesn't get his elderly Mom to clean up his messes.

Pathetic. At least Jonah Goldberg will understand.

Posted by: Tim B. at December 1, 2005 10:32 PM

This could be the stuff of Wagnerian opera - Bar as The Valkyrie?

Posted by: Jim Faith
Even with Ronnie in the early stages of Alzheimers Nancy made sure VP Bush never got close to power. She figures out, correctly, that allowing VP Bush to get close to power would cause complications for her husband. Nancy kept VP Bush castrated and at arms lenght throughout Ronnie's presidency. She also did not allow anyone on her husband's staff to get too powerful.

Laura seems more like the Pat Nixon type. She looks and acts like a Stepford Wife.

I don't think Babs will get anywhere with Cheney. Not with Lynne around. She has met her match with Lynne. They are both mean and vicious.

Posted by: Nan
I hope we will all keep in mind that today 4 MORE American soldiers were MURDERED in Iraq today by the actions of her coke sniffing AWOL COWARD of a son. 4 more DEAD. Four more families wracked BY GRIEF over the holidays. Four more mothers, fathers, wifes, sons or daughters who will mourn the UNNECCESARY death of their loved one.

And, as Cindy Sheehan would ask of this lying son of a bitch in the White House.....



(And, how many Iraqis DIED TODAY because of this coward's actions??? Oh, gee, thats right, we don't keep count.)

Posted by: Pissed Off American at December 1, 2005 11:51 PM

Cheney will be joining Dan Quayle and Dana Carvey on the dead-player pile...may turn up in a Moby video...

Posted by: Ace Loves Gary at December 1, 2005 11:55 PM

A lady who went to my church (in ALaska) that I knew casually dated GW while he was up there in the 70s. I didn't get there until 82, but I heard stories of the white powder flowing. I'm not talking about snow. And what did this lady
and GW do on dates? Drink of course! I also heard second hand that she was very worried when
he became President.

Posted by: librarylady at December 1, 2005 11:56 PM

First they have to get to the State of the Union address.

Posted by: ll
Richard M. Nixon said of this woman, "That is a woman who really knows how to hate!" Kind of makes a person wonder what she has in store for old Dick and CO. We are so lucky to be living in such times you can't pay for entertainment like this.

Posted by: Craig
hate to burst everyone's balloons, but according to the t.v. Dick Chicanery will be out giving three speeches for Bu$h this coming week, so it looks like Mr. insider has been fed a line of crap.

And BeelzaBaBs Bu$h apparently still has no influence with Georgie, he will keep the pals he runs with, screw his reputation, he's only there for the money and Dick delivers.

Posted by: Shannon
Babs is one mean bitch. I hold her personally responsible for the anti-intellectual position of the rest of her family--43 was reasonably well educated and had a head on his shoulders, but 41-W is dumb as a stump.

On the other hand, looking over the comments so far, I share the general sentiment that if there is anyone who has the balls to rip off Cheney's, it's Bab's. Of course, Lynne may already have them in a jar hidden somewhere right next to his heart in another jar. The good news, 43 is on anti-psychotics, Laura's on downers, Dick's on nitro--to say the least, and TurdBlossom's on a hot seat. Babs could still use something to fix her thyroid herself, but all she has to do is play keepaway with Cheney's meds and she can easily outlast him at that game. :-0

Posted by: buck turgidson
That blue haired battle ax is indeed a bitch and the Chimp didn't fall far from his tree. I think some of their problems are genetic.

Read Justin A. Frank's book "Bush on the Couch". The man's right - Basically the Chimp is a Sociopath and you can see right where he got it from.

Babs is a cross between the Borgias and Elizabeth Bathory. Bathory bathed in the blood of virgins.

Babs is contentedly bathing in the blood of the 1,100+ young men and women who have already died for her psycho son's lies.

This family is Pure Evil and one day they're gonna have to answer for it. I hope he ends up before the Hague on War Crimes charges.

Posted by: Rockin in Afghanistan