Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Au intelligence - garbage in...garbage out.

One illustration of the isolation of the AIC foreign intelligence community from the operational base is provided by the so-called children overboard affair".

That occurred on October 7, 2001, when those aboard an asylum seeker boat off Western Australian supposedly threw children into the sea to ensure they would not be forced away from Australian waters.

Even though members at all levels within the Navy were well aware as early as October 10 that no children had been thrown overboard, ONA reported to the prime minister's office on 7 November that children had, indeed, been thrown overboard.

In early 2002 Andrew Wilkie resigned from the Australian Intelligence Community in disgust at the raw and the cooked intellgence being proffered as the supposed ' bureaucratic' reason's for a massive and clearly illegal invasion of SW Asia.

Later that year FIVE warnings of imminent terrorist actions in Asia against Westerner's led to the warning passed on and published on Oct 12 2002 at the Au government's Foreign Affairs website that...' business was operating as normal in Bali'.

In early 2003 after dodging and ducking questions about Au military plans for the SW Asian invasion, the PM spoke in the house about a possible ' nuclear' threat from the region. The mans ignorance about the nuclear capabilities and assets in the region were graphically illustrated by his emphatic comment around 2002 that Israel had; guess what Mr Vanunnu!...' No Nukes'.

Yeah right!

Also Howard spoke of people being fed into shredders ... no evidence yet for that so far although crude attempts have been made to cover up some Au forces deep involvement in torture and war crimes in SW Asia.

Clearly Au faces a similar situation the US does re politizied and just plain bad so called 'Intelligence', and the vital system of command and control that quality intelligence is supposed to direct.
The lights may be on but no ones home.
Also I wrote about this critical break as a major point of weakness BEFORE Sy Hersh's serializations began appearing in the New Yorker.

The situation is analogous to a Dinosaur with a malfunctioning nervous system - it is liable to be pushed off a cliff or find itself stuck in a tar pit. Without functioning intelligence and feedback this particular and political animal will quickly become extinct.

As an anarchist I would argue that the state has always been an unjust imposition on a free people.

' Free people don't need a government'. Emiliano Zapata.

We can capitalize on this weakness in the nervous system of the beast and drive it toward a high cliff using fire and pikes.

There IS a weakness in the death star and the rebel alliance CAN save the Galaxy.

This is the planet wide revolution to bring down the last evil empire.

Which side are you on?