Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Backsliding Marxist?

Hitchens is still scribbling away at SLATE. This is a scandal all on it's own and one that stinks up an entire portal...glad it's Hitchens confrere's that have to live with it...much like sharing a W/house with a Turd blossom I imagine.
Best not to linger in either cesspit.
In the recent past, Hitchen's has claimed to be a ' recovering Marxist'. He's also written a grovelling brown nosing paen to ' The Old Man' Leon Trotsky in ' Atlantic'.
( Another site suffering from the old ' lie down with dog's syndrome' )
You could see an example of how much a recovering Marxist Hitchens really is today at SLATE...'...How strange that the anti-war left should have forgotten all of its Marxism and superciliously ignored the fact that oil is blood: lifeblood for Iraqis and others. Under Saddam it was wholly privatized; now it can become more like a common resource. But it will need to be protected against those who would shed it and spill it without compunction, and we might as well become used to the fact...'

It would appear Hitchens hasn't forgotten his Marxism at all!

How feeble his ' recovery'!

But then he ' recover's' as WC Fields. ( I have to wonder if Hitch ever gets whiplash quaffing all that refrigerator wine he inhales...shouldn't be surprised if he shows up with a neck brace I guess )

"...With or without a direct Anglo-American garrison, there is an overwhelming humanitarian and international and civilizational interest in defeating the Arab Khmer Rouge that threatens Mesopotamia,..'

And they called John Kerry a ' Flipper'!

Those of us not six sheets to the wind on SLATE claret might consider who created the original Khmer Rouge by massive air bombing campaigns while ' Vietnamization' was underway. Then the same crew that maintained recognition of the Khymer Rouge AFTER their terrible ( yet typically Marxist) atrocities were known.

Why the friends of Christopher Hitchens of course. You know him. The ' recovering Marxist' who's Kissinger now. Hey ferggedabout ' Blood for oil'. Blood for CLARET!

Hitchens is overtaking Stephen Schwartz and coming up fast on David Horowitz with a sideways nod to James A Donald!

' With or without Ali Baba Ahmed and his 400 Sandline thieves...'