Sunday, November 13, 2005

Beating the terrorists

Beating the terrorists
Bringing down the terrorists

When the Bush, Blair and Berlusconi regimes implode... as they will shortly...we must stand ready. France and Greece show us the way forward - without stinking ' leaders'.

Bringing down the terrorists.
The rogue terror states that viciously and ilegally attacked and invaded SW Asia, mass murdering tens of thousands and torturing and maiming many innocents now face their doom.
Hoist by the petard of their own big-lie and caught between the horns of attacks from the left and right the cynical, nihilistic ALP/coalition center cannot hold. Soon anarchy will be unleashed upon the world.
Now when yr children come to you later and ask ' what did you do in the great revolution mommy/daddy?'. Don't be caught flatfooted.

The FBI’s director of the National Infrastructure Protection Center stated in 2002...

“The event I fear most is a physical attack in conjunction with a successful cyber-attack on the responders’ 911 system or on the power grid.”

There have been many examples of attacks on the Defense Department’s IT systems.
Between April 1990 and May 1991, hackers from the Netherlands penetrated computer systems at 34 Defense sites. The hackers were able to access directories, read e-mail, and modify systems to obtain full privileges allowing them future access to the systems.
Investigation into the unauthorized access indicated the hackers were searching the messages for key words, such as nuclear, weapons, missile, Desert Shield, and Desert Storm. The hackers also copied and stored military data on various systems at several major U.S. universities.
More recently, an unemployed computer system administrator living in London, England hacked into nearly 100 different systems belonging to the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, and NASA over a year period ending in March 2002. After gaining access to the various systems, he deleted user accounts and critical system files, copied files containing usernames and encrypted passwords, and installed tools used for obtaining unauthorized access to computers.
In one of these attacks, a network of 300 computers at a Naval weapons station was shut down for a week.

Clearly, attacks in cyberspace will continue in the future. Cyber terrorists will try to capitalize on known weaknesses and continue dedicated research and mining to discover new vulnerabilities in our systems. As stated in an al Qaeda article in February 2002...
“Despite the fact that the jihadi movements prefer at this time to resort to conventional
military operations, jihad on the Internet from the American perspective is a serious
option for the movements in the future for the following reasons:
• First: Remote attacks on Internet networks are possible in complete anonymity.
• Second: The needed equipment to conduct attacks on the Internet does not cost much.
• Third: The attacks do not require extraordinary skill.
• Fourth: The jihadi attacks on the Internet do not require large numbers [of people] to
participate in them.”

That was from a Death Star PDF but the message is clear. The righteous Muslim attacks will continue and increase and the best way forward is to act ergonomically and synergistically with follow up attacks. During WW2 we had some of the worst ' allies' in the world. The red fascists responsible for more and worse holocausts than even the Nazi's. My appeal is not to strict pacifists whose means and beliefs I have the most profound respect. My appeal comes under anarchist diversity-of-tactics doctrine, is voluntary and distributed and even has a civil- disobedience and pacific aspect ( that is in fact my choice as spelt out on page 10 of the essay ' assassination politics'.' anarchy is not lack of is lack of ORDERS.'
The fight for the future is not between the armies of leading states, nor are its weapons those of traditional armed forces. Rather, the combatants come from bomb-making terrorist groups like Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda, or drug smuggling cartels like those in Colombia and Mexico. On the positive side are civil-society activists fighting for the environment, democracy and human rights. What all have in common is that they operate in small, dispersed units that can deploy anywhere, anytime to penetrate and disrupt. They all feature network forms of organization, doctrine, strategy, and technology attuned to the information age. And, from the Intifadah to the drug war, they are proving very hard to beat.
The rebel alliance can bring down the death star and the last empire I promise you. We have no choice now but to make it so - the race to save the planet has begun and this is the year that everything changed.

'Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true.' Balzac

General strike tomorrow is just the beginning. Nov 17 is coming as is the collapse of the mad COW.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fly apart; the center cannot hold;
More anarchy is loosed upon the world...

Do you want to come with me to Canberra? Yes or no? It is a question of life or death for us all.We will either conquer or die, because defeat will be so terrible that we could not survive it. But we will conquer.
I have faith in our victory.I only regret that today I speak to you in this netspace. Some day soon we will live in a free society.