Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cheney is a pandering liar and a corporate tool

And that's just his GOOD side. It’s time Cheney steps down - 11/22/2005
(Reuters ) Cheney speaks at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington Monday.

In his speech to the American Enterprise Institute, the U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney said: "The flaws in the intelligence are plain enough in hindsight. But any suggestion that prewar information was distorted, hyped or fabricated by the leader of the nation is utterly false."

He reiterated his strong rejection to calls from congressman to pull all U.S. troops from Iraq, describing such a proposal "a dangerous illusion."

"It is a dangerous illusion to suppose that another retreat by the civilized world would satisfy the appetite of the terrorists and get them to leave us alone," he said.

"Those who advocate a sudden withdrawal from Iraq should answer a few simple questions," including whether America will be "better off or worse off" with terror leaders such as Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, Osama bin Laden, or Ayman Al Zawahiri in control?,” The Associated Press quoted the Vice President as saying.

An editorial on The Daily Texan stated yesterday that Vice President Dick Cheney should resign and the sooner the better.

The American President George W. Bush’s recent visits to Asia is an attempt to escape the mounting criticism and public dissatisfaction that's haunting him at home.

And with the “saddle in the Oval Office empty for the time being”, according to the editorial, Cheney “a pandering liar and a corporate tool”, is now the most powerful official on U.S. soil.

A number of big oil firms recently lied to a congressional panel investigating whether or not record profits received by those companies were the result of price gouging, The Daily Texan stated.

Each company representative denied involvement by his respective companies in Cheney's "Energy Task Force" in 2001.

Last week, The Washington Post published a story detailing a White House document that proves that those companies’ representatives have held talks with Cheney aides. So why did they lie? Simply because they fear being associated with the Vice President, who “assembled an energy bill that ignored the needs of consumers and was rigidly biased towards energy industries like coal and oil, whose executives and lobbyists sought and were sought out to influence and guide our nation's energy policy directly into their coffers”, the editorial further stated.

“Over the course of his tenure in office he has proved himself to be a dependable geyser of misinformation, revisionism and bald-faced lies. From the hubris of his pre-Iraq lies "[Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons" to his more recent lies (denying on a cable news show that he was Lewis Libby's source for outed CIA agent Valerie Plame's name) our Vice President just can't seem to prevent himself from telling tales. Cheney even lies about his previous lies, so as to not get caught lying, as is the case with his statements regarding Mohamed Atta on June 20, 2004. In that instance, Cheney directly contradicted a video document of himself on a previous news show, saying the exact things he had just denied he had ever said,” The Texan Times added.

And as Cheney's office is under investigation in the Valerie Plame leak, his scandal-plagued company, Halliburton, is accused of wasting billion in taxpayer funded no-bid contracts. Cheney refuses to admit error or any wrong doings, even regarding Iraq war. The stunning lack of accountability in Bush's admin. is nowhere more stark than when it concerns the Vice President.

As the public dissatisfaction with Bush’s policy mounts, some fundamental changes need to be made for him to be able to revive respect for the executive branch- Cheney's resignation would be a sure-fire way to send a message to the American public and the world that the President is starting to take the right decisions and right actions, including sweeping out the “cobwebs,” the editorial said.

And if Cheney refused to submit his resignation, then, according to the editorial, President Bush should fire him, as he’s a manifestation of everything that is wrong with this administration and the Republican Party.

Last September, rumours spread claiming that the Vice President has resigned for health related reasons.

"It's certainly an interesting but I still think highly doubtful scenario," said a Bush insider. "And if that should happen," he added, "there will undoubtedly be those who believe the whole thing was orchestrated – another brilliant Machiavellian move by the VP."

Another Bush associate said, "Yes. This is not good." The rumor spread so fast that the Republicans started drawing up reasons why Rice couldn't get the job or run for president in 2008, U.S. News & World Report said.

"Isn't she pro-choice?" asked a key Senate Republican aide.

"Folks on the inside and near inside are holding their breath and wondering what's next," said a Bush adviser. But they aren't focused on the future of the vice president- "Not that, at least not seriously," he said.

It's time President Bush do his country a big favor and retire Dick. END

Fuck YES! Take this thing back to Wyoming.