Ex Hill Staffer denies attempt to firebomb Media
Bush wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera? "Outlandish," says W/House
Washington Post
One senior diplomat says President Bush's remark about bombing Al-Jazeera, as reported in the Daily Mirror, "sounds like one of the president's one-liners that is meant as a joke." But, the diplomat adds, "it was foolish for someone to write it down, and now it will be a story for days." WH spokesman Scooter McClellan tells AP: "We are not interested in dignifying something so outlandish and inconceivable with a response." (Related NYT story.)
Posted at 7:40:34 AM POYNTER ONLINE
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Washington Post
One senior diplomat says President Bush's remark about bombing Al-Jazeera, as reported in the Daily Mirror, "sounds like one of the president's one-liners that is meant as a joke." But, the diplomat adds, "it was foolish for someone to write it down, and now it will be a story for days." WH spokesman Scooter McClellan tells AP: "We are not interested in dignifying something so outlandish and inconceivable with a response." (Related NYT story.)
Posted at 7:40:34 AM POYNTER ONLINE
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