Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Is that a gun in your sporran?

Readers’ Views

I AM horrified at the possibility of Scotland’s police routinely carrying sidearms (“After Bradford: calls to arm the police”, News, November 20). As a dual US/British citizen (and having lived in both societies), I have always been proud of the fact that Scotland does not have anything like the level of gun crime that the US does. The police in Scotland undoubtedly face great challenges when confronted with an armed criminal and their bravery is to be commended. However, I have no doubt that guns breed guns and arming Scotland’s police will lead to a society that becomes more and more accepting of gun violence. The murder of a police officer would not make headline news across the country in the US. Nor would the accidental shooting of an innocent person. Long may both continue to shock us here.

Rachel Wood
