Thursday, November 17, 2005

Major league Arsehole from the Washington Post

From Hullabaloo...where turds float free from the rim before getting royally flushed....Fool You, Shame On You

by digby

Garance Franke-Ruta over at TAPPED says:

Did fear of being sent to jail keep Woodward from coming forward? If so, this may be an instance of Patrick Fitzgerald's aggressive approach to journalists backfiring on him in the worst possible way. If subpoenaed, Woodward, given his historic commitment to protecting sources, would almost certainly have refused to testify before the grand jury without a waiver of confidentiality from his source, whom he reports repeatedly refused to give him one. (The source continues to deny Woodward permission to name him publicly.) Which means that Woodward, had he come forward, may well have found himself imprisoned like Judith Miller.

I'd be extremely sympathetic to Bob's fear of jail time, intrepid reporter that he is, except for this

If the judge would permit it, I would go serve some of her jail time, because I think the principle is that important, and it should be underscored. It's not a casual idea that we have confidential sources. It is absolutely vital. And I'll bet there are all kinds of reporters out there, if we could divvy up this four-month jail sentence -- I suspect the judge would not permit that, but if he would, I'll be first in line. It's that important to our business.

It just breaks my heart that top reporters need to fear jail time for protecting powerful white house officials from being held accountable for their actions. I can hardly hold back the tears. The only thing I can think of for them to do is stop agreeing to listen to the White House's lies under confidentiality agreements and force them to go on the record with their smears and character assassination. I know that's a bold step in a new direction but it would alleviate all this fear and trepidation journalists like WoodMill feel when they are forced to "protect" the most powerful peopple on the planet from public disapproval and legal accountability for their actions.

Here's a good rule of thumb. Don't shield powerful government officials who use the press for sleazy partisan activity they know the public would disapprove of. Oh, and write the real story, not the sleazy partisan smear job your valued "sources" are feeding you for the privilege of future access. It will pay off in the long run. You'll find yourself facing subpoenas and jail time far less often. DIGBY

Nixon has to be rolling over in his grave pissing himself with laughter.

I’m sorry Bob, but for a guy that doesn’t even have a firecracker, there’s nothing like shoving a cherry bomb up your own frickin ass and lighting the fuse. I guess hunkering down more than usual includes all those guest appearances on every major news show lip syncing Rove’s talking points. You’re nothing but a goofy friggin sock puppet made from a discarded Bush codpiece.

I guess your big friggin worry was the junkyard dog lifting your rock and the real Boob Woodward crawling out from under. Well dumb ass, your fear has been realized. You are the laughing stock of the nation and to tell the truth it didn’t even take Kitty Carlisle to figure it the hell out. You make Baghdad Bob look Pulitzer. About the only thing you’re good for is authoring all your stupid ass gag gifts.

At this point, divulging the source of your fricken knee pads wouldn’t compromise any confidentiality. You can buy the stinkin things at Wal-Mart for cryin out loud. A step up in credibility would be changing your goofy assed tale from Grimm’s. to Mother Goose. Unfortunately, even if you switch to Aesop’s there would be absolutely no friggin moral to your sorry ass story.
Beef | 11.17.05 - 7:30 pm | #

Well, isn't he the tough man when talking to Larry King?

Gutless wimp has been haning out with 34% man too much. What a waste of space.
TALL16 | 11.17.05 - 7:30 pm | #

Gravatar Could Garance Franke-Ruta be any more worthless?

She's a courtier to the courtiers. Pathetic.
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