Friday, November 04, 2005

New Reich's enabling acts

A few details of the final draft of the AusNazi Reich's enabling acts have been pulished in the Goebbell's press - they follow.
Stopping terrorists before they attack - preventative detention

* Designed to combat the immediate threat of a terrorist attack

* ASIO can detain any person for seven days if the Government is concerned that the person is about to commit a terrorist attack.

* Suspect may be detained if ASIO has evidence the suspect possesses terrorist implement such as a bomb or is engaged in planning of a terrorist attack.

* Australian Federal Police can detain a suspect for questioning for 24 hours. Suspect may be held a for a further 24 hours with permission from a court.

* An adult suspect held under preventative detention measures is allowed to tell only one family member about their situation. Alternatively they can tell one non-family member they live with (such as a girlfriend or flatmate) or an employer.

* Breach of these orders while the person is in detention can result in five years imprisonment. However, suspect is free to tell anyone including the media about their experience as soon as they are released from detention.

* Suspect may contact a lawyer or the Commonwealth Ombudsman to discuss their treatment and legal rights at any time during their detention.

Tracking terrorists - control orders

* Designed to monitor people who pose a terrorist risk to the community

* AFP can seek a control order for a maximum of 12 months on terror suspects with the consent of the attorney-general and a court

* Control orders allow senior AFP officers to prevent a person absconding, such as keeping suspects under house arrest and fitting them with tracking devices

* Suspect may apply for the orders to be revoked at any time

* Before a control order is granted, a court must be satisfied that the person is a threat to public safety

* Control orders of three months can be imposed on suspects between 16 and 18 years

Preaching hate - sedition

* "Sedition" is defined as anyone who writes, prints, utters or publishes any seditious words with the intention of creating public disorder or violence

* New law states anyone engaged in a "seditious enterprise" can be imprisoned for seven years

* Examples include a racial group with terrorist links using internet websites to incite violence against another group

* Other offences under the new law includes inciting violence against Australian troops in Iraq and supporting Australia's enemies

* Sedition does not apply to people criticising Government policy. For example, a website calling on the Government to cut immigration levels might cause offence to many people but could not be called seditious under the law if it was a genuine critique of policy.

This State-of-siege has already been compared to Apatheid South Africa and a boycott by lawyers and judges ( seditiously ) proposed.