Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Rotten little Nazi

Deranged Chiperor throws fresh Shit at Iraq War Critics

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (AP) - Chimpeachment waiting to happen, hurled new criticism at Iraq war critics on Monday as he headed for Asia, accusing some Democrats of "sending mixed signals to our troops and the enemy." "That is irresponsible," Bush said in prepared remarks he planned to deliver to U.S. forces during a refueling stop in Alaska.

So when is this ' Top Gun' gonna take responsibilty for cleaning some of the giant turds out of the W/house?

The Turd trifecta for a start - Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld

And ' mixed signals' WTF! Low numbers, low armour, low pay and lousy conditions...etc, etc, etc.

This Marburged Chimp wants fraggin'