Monday, November 07, 2005

Scooter flips

CIA budget said to be $44b. . . zat all? Wha bout ' Navy' .
Deepak Chopra will speak to Pentagon employees about managing stress. . . [USN&WR] Stress? What stress? They're five minutes from Ronald Reagan! How could that stress a highly trained and well paid professional?
Senators express concern about misuse of the Patriot Act. Tom Coburn: "We should not ever give up freedom on the basis of fear, and any freedom that we give up should be limited in time and limited in scope." [NYT, WP] ' Like those enabling acts passed in Germany during the thirties '
Boys from Brazil: "Our goal is to promote opportunity for people throughout the Americas, whether you live in Minnesota or Brazil, and the best way to do this is by expanding free and fair trade." On the protests: "I expect there to be dissent. That's what freedom is all about." Monkeyboy, slavishly being sucked up to by the [WP, USAT, ]MSM cartels.
Latin America Summit proved to be no hangmans reprieve for Bush; on the first day, he did not return to his hotel until after midnight. [WP] Stunt double, Don Knotts took questions from several Chavismo's in the lobby.
President Bush was shitting blood all the way to South America. In fact, when he landed he said, "South America, Ricardo Nixone was right, there really are two America's and you won't have George Bush to kick around much longer'.
President Bush was greeted by 10,000 demonstrators shouting "get out Bush"... and that was here at the airport here before he left.
Political analysts are saying this nepotistic,' get-out-of-Dodge', boondoggle is an attempt by the dead duck to reanimate his image by becoming more involved in foreign matters. Isn't That what got him in trouble in the first place? If he wants to improve his image, stay out of foreign matters.
President Bush’s popularity at home has slipped to thirty-five percent. In fact, it is so low he may get his own show on CBS.( Crawford broadband serials )
Gee, Scooter Libby just pleaded not guilty and then accidentally blurted out The names of three other cabal members, Turd blossom, Crashcart and the Chimpasaurus.

The grinch that stole Fitzmas.