The Screwjack letters
The Incubator Lie
November 13, 2005
With the video from Jordan showing a woman making shocking accusations, it is worth recalling the last time when a woman was shown on TV making shocking accusations.
The day after Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Kuwaitis living in the US hired the public relations firm Hill and Knowlton - a job worth $1 million a month. This was the biggest ever contract in the history of public relations to improve the image of their corrupt, oil-rich regime.
The story of how Iraqi troops, in the first days of the invasion, went into Al-Adan hospital, tore the sick babies from incubators and left them on the cold floor to die was graphically told to Congress on November 1990 before the crucial vote to send US troops (passed by about 5 votes).
What the audience didn't know however was that the 15-year old girl who made the moving, tearful testimony was none other than Niyirah al-Sabah - daughter of the US Ambassador to Kuwait. She had allegedly worked as a volunteer in the maternity ward of the hospital. But nurses who live in the two story white building opposite the hospital in Kuwait City claimed that they had never seen the girl before in their life.
The entire move towards the Gulf War had thus been motivated by a blatant lie. The girl had been "trained" by Hill and Knowlton. The renowned international human rights group Amnesty International took out full-page newspaper spreads to publicise the babies incident. It had unwittingly (and not for the first time) transformed itself from a charity to a propaganda tool. Andrew Whitley of Middle East Watch described the story as a fabrication but it took months for the truth to come out. President Bush mentioned the incubator incident in five of his speeches and seven senators referred to them in speeches backing a pro-war resolution.
Even as White House aides Karl Rove and Scooter Libby dominated the headlines,” read a typical analysis last week, “according to many observers Jack Abramoff remains the Republican Party's most dangerous problem.
BushFellas meet The Soprano's
If the various Abramoff scandals are the brewing scandals Republicans fear most, what may be keeping Abramoff himself up late at night, we suspect, is the murder investigation now grinding forward in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
What makes this a candidate for most explosive scandal (in a Dramatic Category) since Watergate?
First, because Jack Abramoff and his friends are the players in the conservative revolution that took over Congress, the White House, and the lobbying industry...
Second, because Abramoff has been charged with fraud in connection with a gambling ship deal in Florida which ended in a gangland-style killing of the man Abramoff is alleged to have defrauded...
And third... because The Washington Post (and practically everyone else writing about it) can’t resist describing it as a “gangland-style hit straight out of “Goodfellas.”
The players and politicians so desperately distancing themselves from Abramoff would prefer that we think of him as some small-time hustler, a fringe sleaze ball who crawled out of the shadows.
He wasn't. He was a big-league hustler and a mainstream sleaze ball. And he was all theirs.
We’re pretty sure that few will miss the rat-faced weasels about to be sent to jail.
Shakespeare, as acute an observer of the human condition as has ever lived, according to some, famously wrote that “Murder will out.”
We shall see.
Washington-based PR firm Hill & Knowlton, under the leadership of George Bush Senior's former chief of staff Craig Fuller, devised a remarkable "hook" for the propaganda campaign which sold the first Iraq war to the American people: a heartrending story of invading Iraqi troops tearing newborn infants from hospital incubators, and leaving them to die.
"I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital," asserted a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl identified only as "Nayirah" during a meeting of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990.
"While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where…babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die."
Other "witnesses" coached by Hill & Knowlton offered similar accounts before the UN Security Council, and a video produced by the PR agency was shown to the Council.
The result was an Article Seven resolution against Iraq – the world body’s equivalent of a declaration of war, used by President Bush as the authority to attack Iraq.
Fuller, when he's not conjuring dead infants left on cold floors to die, participated in other "cabal ops" as well...
Several weeks ago we reported that Abramoff associate Adam Kidan was in business with a capo in the the Sicilian Mafia.
Republican “fund-raiser” Adam Kidan was a partner and general counsel for a hotel in the Caribbean owned by a member of the Sicilian Mafia, a man recently taken into custody in Italy as part of a major investigation into international arms trafficking.
“St. Maarten hotel owner arrested, linked to Mafia” was the headline of an Associated Press story about Kidan’s partner in St Maarten, Rosario Spadaro, 72.
Spadaro had other interests as well, according to a Miami Herald story on May 17, 1999 headlined “MAFIA HAS EYES ON CUBA,” which detailed his efforts on behalf of the Sicilian Mafia to set up shop in Cuba once President Fidel Castro had been removed from the scene, presumably through natural causes.
Odd, the secretive Naples, FL financier who owned the Venice FL flight school attended by terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta was also engaged in an “opening to Cuba” at the same time the Miami Herald says the Sicilian Mafia was seeking to re-enter Cuba, passing out Presidential Rolexes (see photo) to top comandantes.
“Highly Unusual Coalition Has Eyes on Cuba" was the droll headline in a National Journal article.
The coalition is chaired by Craig Fuller of the U. S.-Cuba Trade Association, which seeks to strengthen contacts between U.S. companies and Cuba. "Economic sanctions applied for political reasons, simply, do not work," said Craig Fuller, former chief of staff under President Bush, and member of Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba.
At the very same time, as if acting in concert, terror flight school owner Hilliard, the Sicilian Mafia, and the former chief of staff to the elder President Bush, Craig Fuller, were all looking to cut themselves into Cuba in anticipation of the resumption of normal diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States.
Prosecuting attorneys get criminal conspiracy convictions on less all day long.
Fuller's group included David Rockefeller and Archer Daniels Midland Chairman Dwayne Andreas. The Sicilian Mafia, Mohamed Atta’s U.S. contact, and David Rockefeller... just a case of "great minds run in similar channels?
You make the call.
November 13, 2005
With the video from Jordan showing a woman making shocking accusations, it is worth recalling the last time when a woman was shown on TV making shocking accusations.
The day after Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Kuwaitis living in the US hired the public relations firm Hill and Knowlton - a job worth $1 million a month. This was the biggest ever contract in the history of public relations to improve the image of their corrupt, oil-rich regime.
The story of how Iraqi troops, in the first days of the invasion, went into Al-Adan hospital, tore the sick babies from incubators and left them on the cold floor to die was graphically told to Congress on November 1990 before the crucial vote to send US troops (passed by about 5 votes).
What the audience didn't know however was that the 15-year old girl who made the moving, tearful testimony was none other than Niyirah al-Sabah - daughter of the US Ambassador to Kuwait. She had allegedly worked as a volunteer in the maternity ward of the hospital. But nurses who live in the two story white building opposite the hospital in Kuwait City claimed that they had never seen the girl before in their life.
The entire move towards the Gulf War had thus been motivated by a blatant lie. The girl had been "trained" by Hill and Knowlton. The renowned international human rights group Amnesty International took out full-page newspaper spreads to publicise the babies incident. It had unwittingly (and not for the first time) transformed itself from a charity to a propaganda tool. Andrew Whitley of Middle East Watch described the story as a fabrication but it took months for the truth to come out. President Bush mentioned the incubator incident in five of his speeches and seven senators referred to them in speeches backing a pro-war resolution.
Even as White House aides Karl Rove and Scooter Libby dominated the headlines,” read a typical analysis last week, “according to many observers Jack Abramoff remains the Republican Party's most dangerous problem.
BushFellas meet The Soprano's
If the various Abramoff scandals are the brewing scandals Republicans fear most, what may be keeping Abramoff himself up late at night, we suspect, is the murder investigation now grinding forward in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
What makes this a candidate for most explosive scandal (in a Dramatic Category) since Watergate?
First, because Jack Abramoff and his friends are the players in the conservative revolution that took over Congress, the White House, and the lobbying industry...
Second, because Abramoff has been charged with fraud in connection with a gambling ship deal in Florida which ended in a gangland-style killing of the man Abramoff is alleged to have defrauded...
And third... because The Washington Post (and practically everyone else writing about it) can’t resist describing it as a “gangland-style hit straight out of “Goodfellas.”
The players and politicians so desperately distancing themselves from Abramoff would prefer that we think of him as some small-time hustler, a fringe sleaze ball who crawled out of the shadows.
He wasn't. He was a big-league hustler and a mainstream sleaze ball. And he was all theirs.
We’re pretty sure that few will miss the rat-faced weasels about to be sent to jail.
Shakespeare, as acute an observer of the human condition as has ever lived, according to some, famously wrote that “Murder will out.”
We shall see.
Washington-based PR firm Hill & Knowlton, under the leadership of George Bush Senior's former chief of staff Craig Fuller, devised a remarkable "hook" for the propaganda campaign which sold the first Iraq war to the American people: a heartrending story of invading Iraqi troops tearing newborn infants from hospital incubators, and leaving them to die.
"I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital," asserted a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl identified only as "Nayirah" during a meeting of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990.
"While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where…babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die."
Other "witnesses" coached by Hill & Knowlton offered similar accounts before the UN Security Council, and a video produced by the PR agency was shown to the Council.
The result was an Article Seven resolution against Iraq – the world body’s equivalent of a declaration of war, used by President Bush as the authority to attack Iraq.
Fuller, when he's not conjuring dead infants left on cold floors to die, participated in other "cabal ops" as well...
Several weeks ago we reported that Abramoff associate Adam Kidan was in business with a capo in the the Sicilian Mafia.
Republican “fund-raiser” Adam Kidan was a partner and general counsel for a hotel in the Caribbean owned by a member of the Sicilian Mafia, a man recently taken into custody in Italy as part of a major investigation into international arms trafficking.
“St. Maarten hotel owner arrested, linked to Mafia” was the headline of an Associated Press story about Kidan’s partner in St Maarten, Rosario Spadaro, 72.
Spadaro had other interests as well, according to a Miami Herald story on May 17, 1999 headlined “MAFIA HAS EYES ON CUBA,” which detailed his efforts on behalf of the Sicilian Mafia to set up shop in Cuba once President Fidel Castro had been removed from the scene, presumably through natural causes.
Odd, the secretive Naples, FL financier who owned the Venice FL flight school attended by terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta was also engaged in an “opening to Cuba” at the same time the Miami Herald says the Sicilian Mafia was seeking to re-enter Cuba, passing out Presidential Rolexes (see photo) to top comandantes.
“Highly Unusual Coalition Has Eyes on Cuba" was the droll headline in a National Journal article.
The coalition is chaired by Craig Fuller of the U. S.-Cuba Trade Association, which seeks to strengthen contacts between U.S. companies and Cuba. "Economic sanctions applied for political reasons, simply, do not work," said Craig Fuller, former chief of staff under President Bush, and member of Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba.
At the very same time, as if acting in concert, terror flight school owner Hilliard, the Sicilian Mafia, and the former chief of staff to the elder President Bush, Craig Fuller, were all looking to cut themselves into Cuba in anticipation of the resumption of normal diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States.
Prosecuting attorneys get criminal conspiracy convictions on less all day long.
Fuller's group included David Rockefeller and Archer Daniels Midland Chairman Dwayne Andreas. The Sicilian Mafia, Mohamed Atta’s U.S. contact, and David Rockefeller... just a case of "great minds run in similar channels?
You make the call.
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