Sunday, November 06, 2005


Scheer: "Indictment makes a farce of the theatrics of Miller" Los Angeles Times
Judith Miller knew early on that Scotter Libby was using the media to punish former U.S. Ambassador Joe Wilson for exposing President Bush's false claim that Iraq sought nuclear material from the African nation of Niger, writes Robert Scheer. "That the New York Times again editorialized last week in defense of its knee-jerk support of Miller, even after knowing she deceived her editors, is a startling indication that even some of our most respected media leaders still are missing the point."
> Journalistic "shield" was converted into a shield for admin's coverup (WP)
> The Plame case's missing element: a single redeeming character (USAT)
> Hill: "I listened to Fitzgerald in grateful, almost rapturous silence" (C-J)


With Yellowgate still only one shoe falling the easy peasy Tube shoe should drop soon. Half the binary weapon is still ' hiding-in-plain-sight'. Half the ' Big-Lie' that will hang ' Big-Time' and all his cabal at home and OVERSEAS. Watching the Gestapo /Commissars sweat blood is quite a spectacle. Shrub could top himself and Crashcart have a massive heart attack yet touch wood.