Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The ace of spades

Legalise heroin' Lemmy tells AMs Nov 4 2005 - by Lauren Turner - South Wales Echo
> Heavy metal star Lemmy raised a few eyebrows at the National
> Assembly when he called for heroin to be legalised.
> The Motorhead front man told politicians the only way to
> regulate the drug was to decriminalise it.
> Lemmy, famous for hits like the Ace of Spades, was invited
> to the assembly by Conservative AM William Graham, who saw
> the rock star speak about heroin in a documentary.
> Mr Graham told fellow ministers, and a gaggle of
> journalists, photographers and cameramen, that Lemmy had an
> 'important message' to give about drugs, but his party later
> stressed they didn't share the rock star's policy. Lemmy
> said: 'Heroin is the single most destructive drug in the
> world. It destroys a person's life.
> 'I have never taken heroin, but since I moved to London from
> north Wales in 1967 I have mixed with junkies on a casual
> and almost daily basis.
> 'I believe the only way to treat heroin is to legalise it.'
> He said the move would get rid of two-thirds of drug
> dealers, stop young people being turned into criminals and
> would generate tax revenue -- 'which I am sure would appeal
> to you all,' he told the politicians.

> He said he was not a Tory, adding: 'If anything, I'm an
> anarchist.'
> Mr Graham said: 'Lemmy has an alternative solution to the
> one presently being tried. It's part of the debate. The
> message is against drugs.'
> Lemmy later played a Motorhead 30th anniversary show in Cardiff.
> Katy Cunningham, 15, and her mum Yasmin, 39, of Cwmbran, had
> the chance to meet their hero and were put on the guest list
> for the concert last night.
> The pupil from Fairwater High School in Cwmbran said: 'It
> was awesome to see him.
> 'I think it's good he's talking about heroin because he's a
> role model to a lot of people.'