Thursday, November 24, 2005

Always some dissident

Patriot Act and FBI erode our liberties

As a lifelong American, I am not afraid of what the terrorists might do to our country. I am deeply concerned about what our government and president are doing to erode our liberty.
It is my feeling that with the Patriot Act, having the FBI investigate 30,000 American citizens last year, who didn't commit crimes or break laws, scares the hell out of me.
On top of that, having a president who supports taking into custody prisoners, holding them as long as they want and giving them no right to counsel, scares me even more.

I don't understand why or how Congress gives our president this much power. To me, it is only one or two steps away from our country becoming a police state.

What is to stop them from coming to your door in the middle of the night and accusing you of some wrongdoing, then throwing you in some unknown jail, denying you an attorney or contact with anyone, and holding you until you prove yourself innocent?

Robert W. Kalman - Bethlehem