Monday, November 07, 2005

Bowell Cancer update

Scooter McClellan isn't having much luck getting press to trust him
Washington Post
At Monday's press briefing, ABC News' Terry Moran told White House spokesman Scooter McClellan: "There's been a wound to your credibility here. A falsehood, wittingly or unwittingly, was told from this podium." NBC's David Gregory said Scooter's credibility "may very well be on trial with the American public" and asked the spokesman, "Don't you agree?" Scooter said ' fuck you', and accused Gregory of being a "rude" and "disrespectful turd," reports Dana Milbank.

> Wallace says Rove has blocked his toilet since the mid-90s (PI)
> Two SPJ chapters oppose SPJ 1st Amendment award for Miller (IBA)