Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Economic girlyman gets waxed

While trying to follow in the path of Jesse Ventura Arnie just got terminated.

Junior exists for one reason only - the chance to watch Arnie acting (unconvincingly) as a woman while he's got a bun in the oven. This line of humour is actually quite amusing, for the first 5-10 minutes. After this the laughs become ever more forced and obvious, as Arnie steadily works his way down the list of pregnancy symptoms. First there's morning-sickness, then his nipples get sensitive (though his breasts refuse to grow despite the heavy dose of female hormones), and finally Arnie ends up in a dress. There are other plot-lines but these are peripheral.

Interestingly, for a movie which is trying to overturn one of the final taboos (the notion that motherhood is only for women), Junior relies awfully heavily on stereotype.