Friday, November 11, 2005

The filthy AFP lied

Father blames federal police - By MARIAN CARROLL
DEFENCE lawyers for Martin Stephens want Australian Federal Police officers to testify at his trial.

The father of the accused Bali Nine drug mule has accused the AFP of destroying the nine's lives by tipping off Indonesian police about their alleged smuggling activities knowing they could face the death penalty.

"Someone's got to be held accountable," Bill Stephens said outside Denpasar District Court, where his son's trial for trafficking was postponed for a week yesterday.

Stephens and three other alleged Bali Nine drug mules are taking legal action against the AFP in Darwin's Federal Court, seeking access to documents related to their arrest in April for allegedly trying to smuggle 8.3kg of heroin from Bali to Australia.

Stephens' head lawyer Wirawan Adnan said he has written to Attorney-General Philip Ruddock requesting permission to call AFP officers as defence witnesses. t was revealed yesterday the father of teenage mule Scott Rush wanted to go to Indonesian to stop his son from wrong doing. Documents show show Lee Rush stayed in Australia because he was told Australian Federal Police agents had warned his son at Sydney airport.

But documents revealed in the Darwin Federal Court show Scott Rush was not warned and the AFP instead passed information to Indonesian authorities.