Sunday, November 06, 2005

Labor should just get the fuck out of politics

Labor bans brothels - Labor brings in curfews WA - Labor brings in ' state -of-siege' police seal-off and search powers NSW - Labor declares ' Drug War' NT - Labor institutes endless administrative detention QLD - Labor attempts to censor the internet VIC - Labor Gazumphs the Tories on Law-and-Order FEDs - Labor uses random sniffer dog searchs NSW - Labor runs for Federal office on Department of Homeland Security platform - Labor bends over for Right wing shock jocks and the CIA - Labor viciously attacks genuine activists for peaceful change - Labor presides over murderously corrupt police - Labor collaborates with the US SS, The US Gestapo FBI and the fascist US CIA. - Labor supports the further militarization of the police and censorship of the web. A full blown National Socialist police state.

Why does Labor hate our freedoms?

After years of advocating for a bill to legalise brothels, the Taswegian state Labor government announced on October 5 that it would amend draft legislation to instead ban brothels outright. The new legislation was passed by Tasmania's upper house on October 19.

At the last minute, the government withdrew new provisions to allow
police to access the personal bank accounts of alleged brothel
operators. However, "men who visit commercial brothels for sex will
risk one year's imprisonment or a fine of $10,000", according to the
October 20 Mercury newspaper.

"But if the clients agree to turn informer and confirm they paid a
prostitute for sex in an established brothel, or dob in the brothel
owner, they can escape prosecution."

Further, police will have the power to arrest, without a warrant,
people suspected of breaking the new law. Those charged will be unable
to find out what police intelligence was used to charge them.

Prostitution per se is not illegal in Tasmania. However, it is illegal
"to live off the earnings of prostitution". "The original legislation
was far from perfect, but the government's backflip will make things
worse", said Kamala Emanuel. "Banning brothels will just drive them underground and make conditions worse for the women working in them".

For the worst of capitalism and the worst of communism support Labor. ALP - The Alternative Liberal Party.