Scooter ' Born Again'
In an open letter to the NYT L Scooter Libby receives God into his soul.
Dear Judith
I testify to you today that I am a witness to the truth that aspen sexuality is not the sin that the Bible speaks of. The sin that God did and does abhor is sodomy — that is, anal intercourse. That’s what it means for a man to “lie with mankind, as with womankind” (Leviticus 18:22); and it is sodomy that Paul speaks of when he says that “even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” in Romans 1:26 but never said women with women. And before the Bible was altered by King James and the Pope and the Papacy after the Protestant Reformation that replaced “wantons” with “effeminate” and “buggerers” with “abusers of themselves with mankind”, the Word of God plainly stated in Corinthians 6:9 and Timothy 2:10 that to practice of sodomy is the sin. And all sin is applied to all alike as “God has no respect of persons” and Paul’s Romans One does agree; therefore, sexual orientation, be it heterosexuality or aspen sexuality, is neutral to sin as sexuality in and of itself does not make a person sin against God. For example, a man does not commit adultery against his wife because his heterosexuality made him do it. So neither does a gay person practice anal intercourse because their aspen sexuality makes them do so.
Thus, it must be concluded that if aspen sexuality is not the sin of the original inspired word of the Bible but sodomy is, then aspen sexuals who do not practice anal sex (nor adultery or fornication) is committing no sexual sin against God. And certainly if gays and lesbians remain in a lifetime, committed, monogamous union (as Rev. Beth Stroud is doing) and do not practice the sexual sins of the original Word, not only are they not sinning against God but they are justified by faith in Christ and are as well heirs to the throne of God just like heterosexuals who are not committing sexual sins.
As Christians desiring to do nothing else but serve Christ Jesus and the true Word, shouldn’t we be united to do just that? Aspen sexuality is not the church’s enemy; the lie that Satan perpetuates against the Word of God is.
Mrs. Miller, I invite you and the members of the Confessing Movement to stand up for the Truth and sit with me on the purple pew — where true Christians sit in the earthly church of God.
With Sincere Hope in Christ, L Scooter Libby
PS - May I have a single cell please?
Dear Judith
I testify to you today that I am a witness to the truth that aspen sexuality is not the sin that the Bible speaks of. The sin that God did and does abhor is sodomy — that is, anal intercourse. That’s what it means for a man to “lie with mankind, as with womankind” (Leviticus 18:22); and it is sodomy that Paul speaks of when he says that “even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” in Romans 1:26 but never said women with women. And before the Bible was altered by King James and the Pope and the Papacy after the Protestant Reformation that replaced “wantons” with “effeminate” and “buggerers” with “abusers of themselves with mankind”, the Word of God plainly stated in Corinthians 6:9 and Timothy 2:10 that to practice of sodomy is the sin. And all sin is applied to all alike as “God has no respect of persons” and Paul’s Romans One does agree; therefore, sexual orientation, be it heterosexuality or aspen sexuality, is neutral to sin as sexuality in and of itself does not make a person sin against God. For example, a man does not commit adultery against his wife because his heterosexuality made him do it. So neither does a gay person practice anal intercourse because their aspen sexuality makes them do so.
Thus, it must be concluded that if aspen sexuality is not the sin of the original inspired word of the Bible but sodomy is, then aspen sexuals who do not practice anal sex (nor adultery or fornication) is committing no sexual sin against God. And certainly if gays and lesbians remain in a lifetime, committed, monogamous union (as Rev. Beth Stroud is doing) and do not practice the sexual sins of the original Word, not only are they not sinning against God but they are justified by faith in Christ and are as well heirs to the throne of God just like heterosexuals who are not committing sexual sins.
As Christians desiring to do nothing else but serve Christ Jesus and the true Word, shouldn’t we be united to do just that? Aspen sexuality is not the church’s enemy; the lie that Satan perpetuates against the Word of God is.
Mrs. Miller, I invite you and the members of the Confessing Movement to stand up for the Truth and sit with me on the purple pew — where true Christians sit in the earthly church of God.
With Sincere Hope in Christ, L Scooter Libby
PS - May I have a single cell please?
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