Monday, November 07, 2005

Turd Team Bush at the Hague

Bush, Cheney can't let Libby go to trial
Plain Talk By Alfred E Neuman

We'll never know whether I. Lewis “Scooper” Libby is guilty of lying to a grand jury as charged.

Despite Libby's not guilty plea at Thursday's preliminary hearing, President Bush and Vice President Cheney can't afford to let him go to trial. So they'll offer him the moon to plea bargain for the best deal he can cut. Rove has already mooned him.

Testimony in a trial likely would show that Turd emperor Bush, Darth Cheney and Secretary of Defense Darth Rumsfeld were hell bent to invade Iraq, reasons be damned, Canadian toilets be flushed. When their phony baloney cover that Saddam Hussein had dick weapons of mass destruction was blown, they hunkered down in the bunkers against anyone who told the truth about their major league arseholery.

Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador, did that. So, problibby coached by his boss Cheney, Scooper told reporters that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, worked for the CIA. “Outing” a covert CIA operative is against the law. She had once served in that role and was still a CIA whore. The message to the slutty CIA skank was clear - FUCK YOU.

Those leaks and the administration's persistent deceptions put Turd Team Bush and his crowd in company with these other recent presidents:

•Republican's President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan.

Nixon flushed his job for trying to cover up a break-in at Watergate by his cronies. Reagan lost his marbles in the urinal when he lied about negotiating and selling arms to terrorists. But both were minor-league pissy little Pinocchios whose lies hurt mostly themselves.

Bush, Cheney and company of turds are major league arseholes, ARSEHOLES who have brought immeasurable and irreparable harm to innumerable others with their Iraq high crime. Cost: Tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars.

Every day they continue their deceptive game,ala Libby, turds to their names.
A trial at the Hague on standard Nuremberg indictments is not out of the question.