Monday, November 07, 2005

Tolerate the KKK! No fuckin' way

(Austin, Texas) Austin mayor Will Wynn on Thursday declared that Saturday will be a Day of Tolerance as the Ku Klux Klan rallies against same-sex sex marriage on the square outside city hall.
Voters go to the polls on Tuesday to decide whether to amend the Texas constitution to ban gay marriage.

As the KKK protests at city hall on the public square the LGBT civil rights group opposed to the amendment will hold a vigil about a half block away. (story)

In seeking permission for the protest, called a "pro-family" rally, the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan said it was concerned the gay group would incite violence.

"Our speech will not be inflammatory, but we all know the reputation of the name of the KKK, so we expect anti-Klan demonstrators to be there who may become violent," the Klan said.

"We certainly don't want any of our people hurt nor any city officials. We just want to come and encourage people to vote for Christian Family Values and against legalized homosexual marriage in the state of Texas."
Mayor Wynn and other city officials called for calm. In making his Day of Tolerance proclamation the mayor urged residents to ignore the Klan.
"On a personal level, I'm asking citizens to simply ignore the event that's going to occur here Saturday," Wynn said. "I think it would send a very strong signal about the tolerance of this community if we simply go about our lives on Saturday."
Police Chief Stan Knee said there will be a large police presence during the rally and vigil.
The proposed amendment would ban same-sex marriage and bar the state from recognizing civil unions.
An organization of non-gay couples say the wording of the amendment could nullify common-law marriages and contracts between people in relationships whether they are straight or gay.