The Secret Policeman's Other Ball
The secret policemans other ball
by pr Saturday November 19, 2005 at 10:36 AM Melbourne Indymedia.
It's safe to infer that the CIA has a significant presence here in Oz. Just listen to all the lunar right scribblers and shock jocks start hyperventilating about ' Anti-Americanism' whenever the subject comes up.
Truth be known modern America is an empire in denial. An evil empire with a vast network of secret police that act as same or worse even than the infamous and unholy KGB.
The CIA bases here are considered essential to this evil empires global operations. It's obvious how sensitive this is when even the Ambassador gets involved in local politics when attention gets turned to it. As recently with 'Shieffer brains', and as in 1975 with 'the Marshall'.
That this empire is evil is manifest. Look at the mass torture and murder programs they ran in SE Asia. The melted faces of children there. The millions dead, not just in Vietnam but Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia.
Now the team Amerikkka that gave us Watergate, Iran Contra has gone the whole hog. Yellowgate and a massive new major league war crime ...this time in SW Asia. Again we see chemical weapons burning the faces off people, mass torture and murder programs, truly evil state terror on a staggering scale.
Once again we are allied with this massive evil and goose-stepping with it in lock step. Anyone who questions this will have a file opened on them. Anyone prominent will have campaigns run to discredit them - the same way Joe Wilson was.
It's no accident the evil empire sources planes for their Department of Reichstag security from East Gippsland where a huge tower signals its hunter- killer submarines.
It's no accident that its killer drones fly out here on their shake down cruise before going on their murder missions loaded with hellfire missiles.
They are not just kidnapping and torturing their own citizens anymore either...they are murdering them!
The USSA is out of control.
I recieved a visit from a multi-agency cop, goon, spook squad headed up by a US SS agent named Rick Walkinshaw. The gained entry by pretending to be sales people from my ISP proffering a 'new deal'.
When I rang my ISP after getting out of jail, I was told that I-PRIMUS, ' liked to help out the CIA...'
The following year the AFP did their best to have me locked up again. They were reported ( in writing on documents supplied under FOI ) to be doing that for the FBI.
I like that. The KGB never did that as far as I know.
All talk in Oz about the CIA operating here is often dismissed as ' conspiracy theory'. My response to that is where there's smoke there's fire ...and Australia's a tinderbox in a firecracker factory.
The CIA has operated the joint intelligence centers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, according to current and former intelligence officials. In addition, the multinational center in Paris, codenamed Alliance Base, includes representatives from Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Australia.
No wonder we now have a target painted on us by CIA agents like Howard and Beazley.
The White House has stepped up its criticism of Uzbek President Islam Karimov in the past year for his authoritarian rule and repression of dissidents. But joint counterterrorism efforts with Tashkent continued until recently. In Indonesia, as the State Department doled out tiny amounts of assistance to the military when it made progress on corruption and human rights, the CIA was pouring money into Jakarta and developing intelligence ties there after years of tension.
In spite of manifest Kopassus involvement in killing of Americans. Once more we see them prepared to kill their own and write it off as ' collateral damage'.
Are any of the THOUSANDS the Seppos have rendered alive given the presumption of innocence and due process instantly granted accused criminals like G Gordon Libby?
'Asked and answered'
In Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country and the center of gravity for an al Qaeda affiliate, Jemaah Islamiyah, this mean's befriending Lt. Gen. Abdullah Hendropriyono, then head of the intelligence service.
Sporting black hair lacquered with hairspray and colorful jackets with matching ties and socks, Hendropriyono was more flamboyant than most chiefs. A former Indonesian special forces commander trained at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Hendropriyono was accused by human rights activists of ordering attacks that killed more than 100 unarmed villagers in 1989, according to Associated Press and other published reports. In 2004, he threatened action against foreign humanitarian groups monitoring human rights issues, published reports said.
This means the AFP render nine young Australians to these butchers while Howard and Downer pretend to be concerned about hanging in Singapore.
An evil empire like the USSR had KGB agents right through it. A former KGB agent runs most of this old empire today. The CIA has agents in diplomacy, bases, spook agencies, academe and the media. This is truly a nightmare military - entertainment complex that can lie half the Anglosphere into illegal aggressive war.
Talk about weevils in the flour!
And now we even have a GULAG ANGLOPELIGO!
The subject for my next article - thank you for yr time.
by pr Saturday November 19, 2005 at 10:36 AM Melbourne Indymedia.
It's safe to infer that the CIA has a significant presence here in Oz. Just listen to all the lunar right scribblers and shock jocks start hyperventilating about ' Anti-Americanism' whenever the subject comes up.
Truth be known modern America is an empire in denial. An evil empire with a vast network of secret police that act as same or worse even than the infamous and unholy KGB.
The CIA bases here are considered essential to this evil empires global operations. It's obvious how sensitive this is when even the Ambassador gets involved in local politics when attention gets turned to it. As recently with 'Shieffer brains', and as in 1975 with 'the Marshall'.
That this empire is evil is manifest. Look at the mass torture and murder programs they ran in SE Asia. The melted faces of children there. The millions dead, not just in Vietnam but Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia.
Now the team Amerikkka that gave us Watergate, Iran Contra has gone the whole hog. Yellowgate and a massive new major league war crime ...this time in SW Asia. Again we see chemical weapons burning the faces off people, mass torture and murder programs, truly evil state terror on a staggering scale.
Once again we are allied with this massive evil and goose-stepping with it in lock step. Anyone who questions this will have a file opened on them. Anyone prominent will have campaigns run to discredit them - the same way Joe Wilson was.
It's no accident the evil empire sources planes for their Department of Reichstag security from East Gippsland where a huge tower signals its hunter- killer submarines.
It's no accident that its killer drones fly out here on their shake down cruise before going on their murder missions loaded with hellfire missiles.
They are not just kidnapping and torturing their own citizens anymore either...they are murdering them!
The USSA is out of control.
I recieved a visit from a multi-agency cop, goon, spook squad headed up by a US SS agent named Rick Walkinshaw. The gained entry by pretending to be sales people from my ISP proffering a 'new deal'.
When I rang my ISP after getting out of jail, I was told that I-PRIMUS, ' liked to help out the CIA...'
The following year the AFP did their best to have me locked up again. They were reported ( in writing on documents supplied under FOI ) to be doing that for the FBI.
I like that. The KGB never did that as far as I know.
All talk in Oz about the CIA operating here is often dismissed as ' conspiracy theory'. My response to that is where there's smoke there's fire ...and Australia's a tinderbox in a firecracker factory.
The CIA has operated the joint intelligence centers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, according to current and former intelligence officials. In addition, the multinational center in Paris, codenamed Alliance Base, includes representatives from Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Australia.
No wonder we now have a target painted on us by CIA agents like Howard and Beazley.
The White House has stepped up its criticism of Uzbek President Islam Karimov in the past year for his authoritarian rule and repression of dissidents. But joint counterterrorism efforts with Tashkent continued until recently. In Indonesia, as the State Department doled out tiny amounts of assistance to the military when it made progress on corruption and human rights, the CIA was pouring money into Jakarta and developing intelligence ties there after years of tension.
In spite of manifest Kopassus involvement in killing of Americans. Once more we see them prepared to kill their own and write it off as ' collateral damage'.
Are any of the THOUSANDS the Seppos have rendered alive given the presumption of innocence and due process instantly granted accused criminals like G Gordon Libby?
'Asked and answered'
In Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country and the center of gravity for an al Qaeda affiliate, Jemaah Islamiyah, this mean's befriending Lt. Gen. Abdullah Hendropriyono, then head of the intelligence service.
Sporting black hair lacquered with hairspray and colorful jackets with matching ties and socks, Hendropriyono was more flamboyant than most chiefs. A former Indonesian special forces commander trained at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Hendropriyono was accused by human rights activists of ordering attacks that killed more than 100 unarmed villagers in 1989, according to Associated Press and other published reports. In 2004, he threatened action against foreign humanitarian groups monitoring human rights issues, published reports said.
This means the AFP render nine young Australians to these butchers while Howard and Downer pretend to be concerned about hanging in Singapore.
An evil empire like the USSR had KGB agents right through it. A former KGB agent runs most of this old empire today. The CIA has agents in diplomacy, bases, spook agencies, academe and the media. This is truly a nightmare military - entertainment complex that can lie half the Anglosphere into illegal aggressive war.
Talk about weevils in the flour!
And now we even have a GULAG ANGLOPELIGO!
The subject for my next article - thank you for yr time.
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