Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Sermonizer

Hate Preacher at the Press Club
by pr Wednesday November 23, 2005 at 01:39 PM

The National Press Club hosts some of the most radical extremists, not just in Australia, but the world.

The National Press Club just hosted a radical extremist fanatic ' preacher' called Tim Costello.
Costello is part of the Wahabi equivalent within Xtianity called the ' Baptists'.

Many Baptists make the Taliban look like boy scouts.

Take the local baptist sect known as the ' Salt Shakers'

Today they are applauding a low vicious and hateful assault on the inalienable right of people in love to marry and obtain the exact same benefits from that arrangement as anybody else. An authoritarian and dictatorial and unrepresentative regime has just used its forced-propped unjust power in order to bully a small persecuted minority in Texas.

A persecuted minority that Xtians have been slandering, libelling, torturing and murdering for the last 1700 years.

The extremist hate preacher Tim Costellos own brother is Gay!

And so Cain slew Abel I guess.

Again these mad Baptist Gileads applaud the use of savage dictatorial Nazi fascist type government repression...only in Tasmania this time. As we scroll down the Salt Shaker page today we read that they are in favour of a small group of radical religious loonies establishing a religious Gestapo in order to prey on Brothels and prostitution.

Both of these latter institutions having a longer and far more honorable hirstory than the crazy Xtians btw.

Lets be crystal clear on this. Tim Costellos mob are the exact same as the Taliban.

At no time has Tim the toolman EVER disassociated himself from this religious intolerence, hatred and far right wing lunacy. These Salt Shakin BAPTISTS!

This lunar right wants to bring so called ' intelligent design' to Australia.

Where is the immediate opposition of enlightened people?

Don't ask Timothy. He don't tell.

He would rather be running around with gangs of religious hooligans and gaybashers and net censors.

The Nazis just burned books - these Baptists want to burn the internet. When religious preacher Bob Brown wanted a policy on internet gaming did he consult widely and openly within his own party?


He got together in secret with ONE MAN in order to cook up the noxious and toxic Green party policy to CENSOR the INTERNET ...and who was that one man?

The hate speaker and frothing at the mouth gay baiter, Tim ' Mr Salt Shaker ' Costello.

Why do these religious-state-terrorists hate our freedoms?

Why do they LOVE small powerful secretive and dictatorial totalitarian regimes?

And when will some probing questions ever be asked at the National Press club?

Inquiring minds want to know.


The Sermonizer droned on about ' the proportionality' of recent anti-terror measures that are themselves, actual state terrorism. How the fuck is this imbecile going to fucking KNOW if these fascist police state measures are proportional of not!

Anyone who tells him is liable to five years in jail.

I suppose if you have a 1700 year history of supporting fascist police state mass murders then five years is nothing ...oh and the lord works in mysterious ways!

Fucking joke the Costello family - fucking sick joke.