Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Small scale Nuclear energy looking better

Now that we find no recent efforts by the old Saddam Hussein regime to obtain uranium in Niger and no centrifuge tubes it can be seen that the scale of certain nuclear works is hard to hide - especially in a world where optic fibre snakes out several miles every minute covering more and more of the world while more satellites are also launched to help cover the planet.
Back in the early seventies we said ' Uranium creates a police state'. Today we live in a ' Brinworld' whether we like it or not and yet that paradoxically makes the nuclear option look better. A huge STASI style police state is unnecessary where an informed, intelligent population looks out for each other.
I still see alternative energy such as tidal, solar, wind, geo and other as being more attractive yet also smaller and safer nuclear energy alternatives that would formerly need a massive police state to protect them could also be competitive if we are honest. This should become even clearer as more and more large authoritarian government's fall over and never get back up.