Turkey Chute
Political action is not just well-behaved rallies and marches.
The media noticed it when we burned the Bank of America to the ground, as I recall.
Without a radical left, liberals will continue to get sand kicked in their faces. For example, the next time you see some self-satisfied male intimidating teenage girls in front of a Planned Parenthood, at least give some consideration to hitting him with a baseball bat.
I'm all for blogs--read this one every day--but the price of victory, unfortunately, is usually blood.
Posted by: Steve High on November 22
Wish it were that simple, Freakin' Irony Man.
There's a lot of stuff out there on the web, including plenty documenting how it was the DEMOCRATIC PARTY that gave rise to the neo-cons.
Steve Clemons is currently touting James Bamford, who has written much about John Rendon's PR firm, who (along with Hill and Knowlton)helped frabicate and stage manage illusions for American television audiences to facilitate empire building. Joe Rendon is a former DNC chair. To really believe that Democrats are not almost as beholden to corporate interests and that they really represent the working folk is to believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
The reason these folks are not interested in representing working folk is the same reason we still addicted to (and subsidizing) petroleum, and offering pittances to alternative energy - the latter's political war chest is not interesting to politicians compared to that of those controlling fozzilized sunlight. Rich folks are willing to support politicians in the style to which they have become accustomed, and quite frankly poor folks (by definition) do not have enough wealth to induce politicians to change their behavior. And corporations have longed learned that controlling media and PR is the most cost effective way to control politics. Murdoch has often staed that The Weekly Standard is one of his most cost effective political purchases, enabling him to change the FCC rules to allow him (as a foreigner) the market share and profits he has.
The Democrat's (Kucinich and Dean) willing to speak thruth in 2004 were shafted by the Democrats, not the Republicans.
While it is true that there appears to be a chink in the armor (Scanlon's turning for one, Libby's indictment for another), the jury is still out whether this is more than the substitution of one scoundrel for another or the scandal of the century.
As apthorp pointed out, it was the radical folks willing to take to the streets that made the difference during Vietnam. As long as activity is "contained" within the safe bloging sphere, there is no real threat to the cushy status quo. Politics works the same everywhere.
What part about the fact that most foreigners view China more favorably than the US do we not understand?
It is the Caesar Chavez's, the Martin Luther's, and the Mahatma Gandi's that effect real change.
It all starts with getting off our comfortable ass - Rosa Parks being a rare exception.
Posted by: erichwwk on November 22
Get with the program and GET TOUGH for Christ's sakes!
There aren't many fans for the way that I get tough with the trolls around here. Sure, a few people applaud once in a while. Many of the shots levelled at me come from my friends on the left.
If you can't grab a bully by the nose and knock the shit out of him while you kick him in the nuts and throw him down a flight of stairs--on a blog thread, of course--then what business does anyone have of complaining about the blogosphere? Don't think for a second that it's anything more than bullying. You can recognize someone who's bullying in a few seconds. You can also recognize when someone is trying to make insane elliptical arguments that go nowhere. Seek out the people who honestly disagree with you and you will learn from them as you make your case.
As for the argument that this has to be a sober and clear and reasoned exchange of ideas, I'm all for that and can properly debate when the need arises. Until then, knock those bullies senseless and stand up for what you believe in. There are plenty of people like myself who will back you up. I'm serious about this: The Pale Rider believes in the Democratic Party as it is remaking itself to compete in all 50 states and believes in liberal causes. We may disagree on how to get there but I have no doubt we'll get there.
Lurkers, you must post occasionally and let us know you're there. An 'attaboy' when someone makes a point reassures, sometimes. We'll have our reasoned and thoughtful debate as soon as the trolls leave us alone. Their only goal is to disrupt and bully people--therefore, you have to hit back at them.
Posted by: Pale Rider on November 22
The media noticed it when we burned the Bank of America to the ground, as I recall.
Without a radical left, liberals will continue to get sand kicked in their faces. For example, the next time you see some self-satisfied male intimidating teenage girls in front of a Planned Parenthood, at least give some consideration to hitting him with a baseball bat.
I'm all for blogs--read this one every day--but the price of victory, unfortunately, is usually blood.
Posted by: Steve High on November 22
Wish it were that simple, Freakin' Irony Man.
There's a lot of stuff out there on the web, including plenty documenting how it was the DEMOCRATIC PARTY that gave rise to the neo-cons.
Steve Clemons is currently touting James Bamford, who has written much about John Rendon's PR firm, who (along with Hill and Knowlton)helped frabicate and stage manage illusions for American television audiences to facilitate empire building. Joe Rendon is a former DNC chair. To really believe that Democrats are not almost as beholden to corporate interests and that they really represent the working folk is to believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
The reason these folks are not interested in representing working folk is the same reason we still addicted to (and subsidizing) petroleum, and offering pittances to alternative energy - the latter's political war chest is not interesting to politicians compared to that of those controlling fozzilized sunlight. Rich folks are willing to support politicians in the style to which they have become accustomed, and quite frankly poor folks (by definition) do not have enough wealth to induce politicians to change their behavior. And corporations have longed learned that controlling media and PR is the most cost effective way to control politics. Murdoch has often staed that The Weekly Standard is one of his most cost effective political purchases, enabling him to change the FCC rules to allow him (as a foreigner) the market share and profits he has.
The Democrat's (Kucinich and Dean) willing to speak thruth in 2004 were shafted by the Democrats, not the Republicans.
While it is true that there appears to be a chink in the armor (Scanlon's turning for one, Libby's indictment for another), the jury is still out whether this is more than the substitution of one scoundrel for another or the scandal of the century.
As apthorp pointed out, it was the radical folks willing to take to the streets that made the difference during Vietnam. As long as activity is "contained" within the safe bloging sphere, there is no real threat to the cushy status quo. Politics works the same everywhere.
What part about the fact that most foreigners view China more favorably than the US do we not understand?
It is the Caesar Chavez's, the Martin Luther's, and the Mahatma Gandi's that effect real change.
It all starts with getting off our comfortable ass - Rosa Parks being a rare exception.
Posted by: erichwwk on November 22
Get with the program and GET TOUGH for Christ's sakes!
There aren't many fans for the way that I get tough with the trolls around here. Sure, a few people applaud once in a while. Many of the shots levelled at me come from my friends on the left.
If you can't grab a bully by the nose and knock the shit out of him while you kick him in the nuts and throw him down a flight of stairs--on a blog thread, of course--then what business does anyone have of complaining about the blogosphere? Don't think for a second that it's anything more than bullying. You can recognize someone who's bullying in a few seconds. You can also recognize when someone is trying to make insane elliptical arguments that go nowhere. Seek out the people who honestly disagree with you and you will learn from them as you make your case.
As for the argument that this has to be a sober and clear and reasoned exchange of ideas, I'm all for that and can properly debate when the need arises. Until then, knock those bullies senseless and stand up for what you believe in. There are plenty of people like myself who will back you up. I'm serious about this: The Pale Rider believes in the Democratic Party as it is remaking itself to compete in all 50 states and believes in liberal causes. We may disagree on how to get there but I have no doubt we'll get there.
Lurkers, you must post occasionally and let us know you're there. An 'attaboy' when someone makes a point reassures, sometimes. We'll have our reasoned and thoughtful debate as soon as the trolls leave us alone. Their only goal is to disrupt and bully people--therefore, you have to hit back at them.
Posted by: Pale Rider on November 22
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