Saturday, November 12, 2005

Victory day

History Is Written By the Mission Accomplishers

Mission-Accomplished-1. In a Veteran's Day speech today, Bush came out with the administration's official policy on criticizing the war in Iraq: "While it's perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began." Because, he continued,

"That's our job."

Sometimes a mission that's accomplished still needs a strategy for victory. Happens all the Goddamn time

Rove says the tide is turning in conservatives’ favor [LA Times] it's true that Turd's about to be flushed. And to the extent that there actually will be some kind of ' power vacuum' when ALL these turds get flushed...(And I mean ALL...the cons and the collaborators and even a healthy sample of ' just obeying orders' types.) To the extent there will be a vacuum a few remaining crappy democrat's will try to feebly fill it.

No fucking way in the world.

This system is locked; the key is broken. To the extent that people want a narrative that includes the alternative to war- *politics* -then that's where we anarchists come in. We have a great story to sel...tell and it's one that's right for the times.
The last empire's uberstate is not going away overnight yet who else can be trusted to manage its rapid downsizing with the minimal amount of collateral damage?

Why these folks would have to be smart, networked, fast studies, have a sense of humor...hell, they'd have to be anarcho's!

Lets face it, the first global revolution had to happen one day and if not now when?

When runaway greenhouse reachs the point of no return?

See we have no choice really. It's anarchy now... or the highway to hell.