Monday, November 28, 2005

Work till you drop

Huey Long, one of America's most brilliant and most corrupt
politicians, was once asked if America would ever see fascism. "Yes," he replied, "but we will call it anti-fascism."

Martha Stewart picked up a new recipe for Thanksgiving. I guess she learned it while incarcerated. She said while you're stuffing the turkey, you hold your other hand over its mouth so it can't call for the guard.

Reporter Bob Woodward testified that a White House informant revealed the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame to him weeks before her identity was disclosed. And, as he did during Watergate, Woodward nicknamed his informant after the day's most popular porno movie. Which has everyone wondering . . . just who is Anal Debutantes #34?

President Bush announced that the White House turkey they had this year was stuffed but not tortured.

Scooter McClellan, the president's press secretary slammed Joe Biden's plan to withdraw some troops from Iraq and labled him some kind of loony ' Michael Moore' type ...oh wait...that was last week and he was talking about John Murtha.

Arbeit Macht Frei - "Work shall set you free."