Everone on the Today show's wearing black
Everyone on the Today show this morning is wearing black to mark the hanging this morning of Van Ngyuen, a young Australian boy about to be brutally hung by the fascist police state of Singap...sorry, sorry. They were wearing black last year to mark the resignation of their popular news room boss. Sorry. They are wearing white , floral and normal business suits this morning. Dec 2 2005.
Everyone know's Australians hate, hate, HATE chemis...drug dealers. And everone in the RSL just LOVEs a good hanging!
Also our Dear Leader recently sent nine young Australian's off to a firing squad so we really can't complain now can we.
' hang em all, hang em all, the long and the short and the tall'
Everyone know's Australians hate, hate, HATE chemis...drug dealers. And everone in the RSL just LOVEs a good hanging!
Also our Dear Leader recently sent nine young Australian's off to a firing squad so we really can't complain now can we.
' hang em all, hang em all, the long and the short and the tall'
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