Thursday, December 01, 2005

Something wicked this way comes

FROM MELBOURNE IMC - Bill Clinton is a superficially attractive man soon to revisit our shores. He was a reasonably competent president especially compared to the Bush crime family - and he drove the US lunar right crazy.

But even a cusory examination of this... man reveals a creepy criminal of the worst kind. I won't go into the many allegations that the serial sexual harrasser was an actual rapist or not but simply list a few details everybody who has a chance to meet and shake hands with this filthy rotten criminal scum should be aware of.

Clinton famously broke off from the campaign trail in 1992 to return to Arkansas, where he was governor, to sign the death warrant on a mentally-impaired man.

Then next year...1993 - The president of country A (let’s call him Mr SH) is a target of a failed assassination attempt in his own country. His convoy is been shot at. In revenge, Mr H (allegedly) orders the alleged perpetrators to be shot.
Innocent civilians die along with the perpetrators.

The former president of country B (we’ll call him Mr GHWB) is allegedly a target of an assassination attempt, while visiting country C. Nothing happens, though. In revenge, the sitting president of country B, Mr WJC, orders launch of 23 Tomahawk missiles against the alleged commanders of the alleged perpetrators, situated in the capitol of country A.
Only innocent civilians die.

Do you honestly think the only president who deserves to be put on trial for his actions is Mr SH?


With respect to Saddam’s Dujail case, Grustnij (see comment #19) reveals that the U.S. has resorted to more dramatic retaliation. In 1993, US launched 23 Tomahawk missiles against the Baghdad intelligence HQ, claiming Iraq was involved in an attempt to assassinate former President GHW Bush during his visit to Kuwait. Three to seven of the Tomahawks missed their targets and hit nearby residential areas, destroying several houses and killing civilians (including a renown female artist).

Clinton later said the American people could “feel good” about the attack.

Following on from the rapis...serial sex harrasser's problems being caught lying directly on camera to the people of the US Bill ( ' I did not have sex with that women' ) Clinton went on to piss on Americas longest serving political prisoner, Leonard Peltier, in order to corruptly pardon one Marc Rich.

Marc Rich was ( and still is ) a major league criminal facing serious charges. ( and he operates out of ZUG too btw small world ) Soon after being pardoned Rich was found to be behind the Prestige oil spill. One of the very worst of all time. The Spanish government closed the Galician fisheries and 1,000 miles of coastline, putting most of Galicia's population immediately out of work just before the height of the fishing and shellfish season. Environmental groups estimate that 15,000 birds have died so far, including rare and protected species.

The Prestige could go on leaking its remaining cargo of 20 million gallons -- approximately twice what the Exxon Valdez spilled into Prince William Sound in Alaska -- for years, possibly past 2006. Lessons learned from the Exxon Valdez oil spill show that it could take more than a decade for the shellfish population to revive, and most of the area's mammals may never fully recover. At least two threatened bird species will likely become extinct: the Balearic shearwater and Spain's dwindling population of guillemots. Ditto for Galician family fishermen.

Leonard Peltier continues to serve a sentence as long as Nelson Mandela's. Oh and did I tell you Clinton famously broke off from the campaign trail in 1992 to return to Arkansas, where he was governor, to sign the death warrant on a mentally-impaired man?

I spit on this filthy rotten criminal scum Bill Clinton and urge others to do so as well. This low dog has earned fucking ****ing. ( Just my 2c )