Friday, November 18, 2005

Donald Rumsfeld wanted - Dead or alive

Donald Rumsfeld wanted - Dead or alive
by Professor rat 1:19pm Thu Nov 17 '05 (Modified on 11:00am Sat Nov 19 '05) article#61181 Sydney Indymedia

Chimperor Bush says, read my quacking beak, 'we do not torture', that the scandal at Abu Graib was just a few bad apples, and doesn't even respond to the many other instances of prisoner abuse (including death) -- BUT the serial murderer WILL veto a bill that bans torture of prisoners.

Roll on Chimpeachment.

A modest proposal for the permanent retirement of a well known war criminal and mass murderer.
Donald Rumsfeld's retirement is long overdue. In order to expedite it I want to pledge 2$ here to be paid ( anonymously if desired ) to the nearest correct guess at the exact time and date of Donald Rumsfelds PERMANENT retirement from politics.

Retirement with extreme prejudice I mean.

' Anarchy is not lack of order - it is lack of ORDERS ' Jim Bell once said.

We have a right to destroy those who would destroy us, I say, and non statist means are now available for us to send war criminals to the rotten dead pool and

Please pledge here or at other IMCs and help raise millions for world peace. Thank youse for yr time.


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