Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Press ganged by the Prescott Bush crime family

November 23, 2005 -- CIA torture flight controversy spreads to Finland. WMR reported on Nov. 20 that a C-130 Hercules, registered to CIA front company Prescott Support, landed at Vantaa airport in Helsinki. Prescott is among several companies in Arizona, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas that have been linked to operating CIA prisoner flights. The revelations about Vantaa have resulted in a flurry of government denials and a call for an investigation by the Finnish government. Finnish media are now reporting on the story.

CIA aircraft on ground at Helsinki's Vantaa Airport May 16, 2003

Meanwhile, Dick Marty, the chief Council of Europe investigator of the CIA torture flights, announced in Paris that he received from Human Rights Watch a list of 31 suspected CIA aircraft reported to be involved in torture.