Monday, November 28, 2005

Spook unionist

How Labor played the spying game

The late John Ducker had a secret weapon in his fight against the left, writes David McKnight.

AS A powerful king-maker in the Labor Party for more than two decades, John Ducker had many weapons to ensure that he exerted influence.

One weapon which was little known yet very powerful was his liaison with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. Ducker traded information with ASIO about his opponents in the Labor left and the Communist Party for many years.

Armed with the resources and surveillance powers of a government security agency, Ducker's contact in ASIO, Jack Clowes, was able to feed him inside information about the plans of his sworn enemies in the trade union movement. In exchange, Ducker kept Clowes informed of developments within the trade union right. In NSW the union right was divided between supporters of B.A. Santamaria's group, which split from Labor in 1955, and the "stay behind" right to which Ducker belonged.

Ducker revealed his liaison to me while I was researching my book Australia's Spies and Their Secrets (1994). He spoke on the basis that his interview would not be publicly attributed. He appeared in my book as "Mr Smith", whom I described as a senior figure in the trade unions and the Labor Party. In admitting the connection in 1993, after the sudden fall of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Ducker realised that many would find such a liaison unpalatable. "It all seems inexplicable now," he said.

In his book Thoughtlines, former premier Bob Carr describes meeting Clowes, who was also known to former premier Barrie Unsworth. Carr teases his readers with this statement, "see if you can guess who [Clowes] works for", describing him as very knowledgeable about ALP and trade union affairs.

Ducker's liaison with ASIO began just before the 1955 split, when he was a 22-year-old union organiser. He recalled: "A friend of mine used an unusual expression to me at that time. 'The bulls want to see you and have a talk to you'." Apart from trade union and Labor politics, his contact with ASIO was useful, he told me, because from the 1960s onwards he received intermittent tip-offs from security contacts that the phones of certain Labor figures were being illegally tapped and that the information was going to the Liberal Party. This may have meant phone taps by private investigators or by the federal police, both of which ASIO officers may have known about. Ducker named a businessman with Liberal and intelligence connections as someone who, in the 1980s, tried to organise taps on the phones of Labor figures.
Ducker said his ASIO contact contributed to Labor victories because he helped prevent the left winning the faction fight. After the disaster of the Whitlam defeat in 1975, Ducker said, NSW Labor became a beacon for the rest of the ALP, winning state government in 1976. "If NSW had got it wrong in the 1960s and '70s, then this would not have happened." To stop the left winning control, Clowes "had access to whatever surveillance he needed".

Clowes agreed with Ducker's decision to stay with Labor in 1955. "He disagreed with Santamaria's tactics of trying to destabilise the ALP, because he could see that the [Communist Party] might step in to fill the vacuum."

Nor did he agree with the anti-working class flavour of the Santamaria forces.

At the time both Santamaria's National Civic Council and the Communist Party of Australia had "undercover" members in the Labor Party, some of whom went on to gain high office.

For many years, the American trade union schools to which the right sent its delegates were regarded as "CIA fronts" by the left. For its part, the right believed that the pro-Moscow elements of the left received financial support from the Soviet Union.

David McKnight is a senior lecturer in journalism at the University of Technology, Sydney.