Monday, November 07, 2005

The USSA - Death from above

Italian TV: US Used Chemical Weapons in Assault on Fallujah
Submitted by shystee on Mon, 2005-11-07 21:44.

Holy F’ing Sheebus. Via Nur al-Cubicle.

I’m taking a break from watching the video available here in English, Italian and Arabic.

Warning: extremely gory and morally sickening. Descriptions below the fold.

There is video of dead civilians (yes, women, kids) whose skin is burnt to a crisp but their clothes are perfectly intact! This is alleged to be the effect of fine phosphorous particles which, when dispersed by a warhead, corrode the skin of humans and animals.

This video was followed up by video of a dead guy who had ben tortured by the Iraqi or a nearby Arab country’s “Intelligence Service” by having holes drilled into him.

I can’t deal. I’m taking a break. More after I watch the rest.

It's China beach Jake