Saturday, November 19, 2005

RU fucking moron Tony Abbott?

Safe or not? RU 486 by Peter Lavelle

Should the 'abortion pill' - RU 486 - be licensed and made available to Australian women?
There's been an outpouring of opinion - both for and against - since last month's Medical Journal of Australia - carried an article calling for the abortion pill RU 486 to be licensed and available in Australia.

The author of the article claimed that it would overcome the problems of women in rural and remote Australia who don’t have access to abortion clinics in the bigger towns and cities.

Two weeks ago, the Australian Medical Association weighed in, reversing its previous stance to publicly call for it to be licensed in Australia. Its joins the Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the World Health Organisation and the Public Health Association of Australia – and women’s groups, individual obstetricians and politicians from both sides of the political fence, who say it's safe and should be made available.

But before the pill is allowed on the market, it has to get approval – not from medical authorities, but from politicians. And that’s proving a major hurdle.

The abortion pill RU 486 (also known as mifepristone) is a hormone treatment that indices a 'medical abortion' – the foetal material is expelled in a similar way to a heavier-than-normal menstrual period. For many women using it, it's more like having a miscarriage than an operation.

Over a million women worldwide have used RU 486. It's licensed for use in the US, UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden and China. It was also briefly licensed in Australia until 1996 when Federal Parliament passed an amendment to the Therapeutic Goods Act which prevented its importation. The amendment was introduced by then Senator Brian Harradine and the Coalition government with the help of the Opposition which passed it in exchange for the Senator's support for the sale of Telstra legislation.

Now, because of the legislation, RU 486 can only be imported after approval from the Federal Minister for Health. And since the legislation, not a single drug company has applied to the Therapeutic Goods Administration to import RU 486 into Australia – the view of the pharmaceutical industry is there's no point going to the expense of an application because the Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott, a devout Catholic, is known to be personally against it's use in Australia.

Since 1996, the evidence for the safety and usefulness of RU 486 in countries where it's used has grown, say doctors and women’s groups. Will the Minister now change his mind?

But Tony Abbott claims the drug isn’t safe – and he says he has evidence to back up his claims.

A few days ago, he made available advice from the Department of Health and Ageing, about whether or not the drug was safe. It looked specifically at the use of RU 486 in rural and remote regions. It quoted advice from Chief Medical Officer Professor John Horvath, and Professor Andrew Child, former President of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The report concluded that RU 486;

'.. carries a significantly higher risk of later adverse events, such as incomplete termination and prolonged bleeding, and thus a higher proportion of women who undergo medical abortion require subsequent and at times, urgent intervention… its use outside the existing framework in which surgical termination is currently managed in Australia would increase the risk of adverse outcomes.. [it is] unsafe in circumstances in which appropriate supervision and follow-up may not be available .. It is therefore unsuitable for women in rural and remote areas who may have limited access to obstetric facilities.'

On the basis of this, there was no reason to lift the ban on RU 486, said the Minister.

But in the days that followed the release of the report, critics have raised serious concerns claiming that it misrepresents the risk of RU 486.

Professor Caroline de Costa is the Professor of Obstetrics at James Cook University in Cairns. She was the author of October's Medical Journal of Australia article, and she's the AMA's spokesperson on RU 486. Yes, there is a small risk of pelvic cramps and bleeding after taking RU 486, but the risks can be safely managed, and the risks are no greater than managing other obstetrics procedures like pregnancy and surgical abortion, she says. She told the ABC’s PM program, 'A small number of women who have a medical abortion may need to be seen by a doctor and examined, and an even smaller number of those may need to have curettage, but that's also true of women who have a surgical abortion.’

Experts backtrack

In the past few days even the individuals on whose advice the report was based have made public statements to 'clarify' their positions.

Professor Horvath, through a spokeswoman, told ABC Radio's AM program that the Minister only asked him to report on whether RU 486 was safe for women in remote areas, not about its wider suitability.

Dr Andrew Child says that in fact he has no objection to the drug being available, as long as its use is supervised. 'The tests you do before you administer the drug, the advice you give the patients on what might happen and the back-up supports that you need to provide 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week - it all needs to be built into the system,' he told ABC News.

So what’s happened? How did the Federal Minister for health come to be given advice that doesn’t reflect the views of those on whose advice it was based, let alone general medical opinion?

According to the leader of the Australian Democrats, Senator Lyn Allison, the report was 'skewed' to reflect the Minister's anti-abortion views. She says the Democrats will shortly be introducing a bill into Parliament repealing the Minister’s right to veto RU 486. Senator Allison is calling on the Prime Minister to allow a conscience vote – so that Coalition members are free to vote as they wish and not necessarily on party lines, giving the bill a greater likelihood of passing. Some of the strongest advocates for overturning the ban come from the Coalition side of politics. They include Queensland country MP Sharman Stone and Victorian country MP Mal Washer - himself a former GP. And on the front bench, Federal Communications Minister Senator Helen Coonan, who says the report to Mr Abbott was ’very narrow’ and there needs to be further debate.

But those opposed to RU 486 include heavyweight National Senators Ron Boswell and Barnaby Joyce, as well as Liberals Tony Abbott, and Chris Pyne, who is Tony Abbott’s Parliamentary Secretary.

The conservative Christian right is a powerful force in federal politics and it could be a while yet before RU 486 lands on pharmacy shelves in Australia.

In the meantime, beware politicians brandishing a report.